A Semite is any of the peoples who speak or spoke (or descended from people who spoke) a Semitic language. The Semitic languages (note the plural) are a sub-family of the Afro-Asiatic language family that includes Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, Amharic.
The Semitic peoples, then, include Amharans, Arabs, Akkadians, Canaanites, some Ethiopians, Hebrews, Tigrayans.
The Semitic religions are those religions pursued by those peoples: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and the polytheistic pre-Abrahamic religions. (Note: a Gentile is someone who is not Jewish. It is not a racially or linguistically meaningful term.)
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For most of history, hatred and persecution of Jews was based on religion. Christians and the Christian Church for centuries felt that Jews should be either converted to Christianity (which saved them) or killed/enslaved.
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Before 1500 the term race was infrequently used and referred to people grouped by local tribe membership or kinship, not by phenotypic or morphologic characteristics. It wasn't until the scientifically untenable concept of race was invented as a justification for the booming slave trade in the mid 16th Century and beyond that race became a common term for an inborn and immutable identity. (An ironic example of Enlightenment intellectualism misused to support unenlightened and intellectually invalid inhuman behavior.)
We should stop using the term antisemitic and simply refer to the phenomenon of Jew Hatred. (Or Arabs or women or redheads or people of color or obese people or smart people...)


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